Does your pool need resurfacing?
A pool is more than a cool getaway during the hot Perth summer. It’s where you unwind after a hectic week at work. It’s where your kids build lasting memories in the house they grew up in and where the family comes together to simply have fun! If your pool is showing signs of decay or neglect, let us help restore it to the beautiful family centrepiece it’s meant to be.
We will bring your old pool and spa back to life! Whether your pool has cracks or leaks, is worn down or is damaged, our pool resurfacing services are guaranteed to perk up your pool.
Many homeowners do not consider resurfacing and just let their pool go to waste not knowing it’s actually quite affordable to get the surface of the pool restored so that your pool can be used again. No matter what condition your pool is in.
Concrete pool resurfacing is known to be a complicated job, but with our products and equipment, the job can be an easy one which can be completed in a few days. We will not only make the pool aesthetically more appealing but also increase its longevity.
In fiberglass, pools osmosis is a frequent problematic occurrence that affects most fiberglass pools around 10-15 years after they are first made, but it is curable. We have a system to treat rotten fiberglass and re-laminate the pool surface by adding a long lasting new fiberglass surface to the old structure.
The common damage in sagging edges, another common issue is a rip or tears in the vinyl fabric that is often caused by a sharp object or stress from improper installation. To increase the protection we remove the vinyl liner and replace it with a fiberglass coating to avoid any rips and tears in the future.